| Saturday, September 3, 2022




Performance enhancement drugs are any substances taken to increase a particular skill-set. Most often, the term is used in reference to steroid used by professional athletes. Other substances may also be taken to improve performance, including human growth by modifying the hormones in the body. Simply put, performance enhancement substances are any form of liquid, solid or gas deliberately taken to improve or modify how the human mind, body and entire system functions in relation to productivity, attention and alertness. Performance enhancement substance is usually taken with the aim of modifying the physiological and biochemical processes of the body. Enhancement occurs when there is alteration in the function of the brain cells in such a way that basic functions such as perception, learning, thinking, mood and behaviour are affected (Donaldson, 2015). Several substances, when taken in large doses have been observed to produce performance enhancing effects (Donaldson, 2015).

Until recently, the use of performance enhancement substances also known as smart drugs was prevalent and limited to the sporting and athletic world. The use of performance enhancement substances for sporting events dates back at least to ancient Greece, where writings refer to ‘performance potions’ and ‘performance elixirs’ given to athletes in preparation for major games. Apart from the use of enhancement substances for sports, the use of pharmaceutical enhancement drugs in the musical world has begun receiving some attention. It has been discovered that music artists now use a synthetic, ‘Inderal’, as an enhancement drug for performing musical pieces. The argument is that the problem of heavy stress that affects performance commonly known as stage fright warrant the use of enhancement substances by performers. However, with the dawn of industrialization and the birth of globalization occasioned by the explosion in information and communication technology, the production and use of performance enhancement substances have assumed a new and different dimension. It has been discovered that several substances are now available that are taken by students to improve memory, concentration, cognition, performance, planning, wakefulness and mental alertness.

For instance, according to the, twenty percent (20%) of students have been found to use Adderall to enhance their ability to do school work or as a recreational drug. Adderall is an amphetamine just like cocaine and is a drug prescribed to individuals with both Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Students are now found to take the drug in order to stay awake all night. For those without either disorder, the effect of the drug is slightly effective by increasing concentration and mainly causes the user to stay awake for long periods of time. Adderall is used by students because it stimulates the production of Dopamine and Norepinephrine which improve the ability to focus and pay attention (Agarawu, 2017).

Furthermore, in academia, it is discovered that modafinil has been used to increase productivity and stimulants such as methyiphenidate and atomoxetine also are being used on college campuses in Europe, and by an increasingly younger group. In a research survey, it was found that 7% of students had used stimulants for a cognitive edge in the past year, and on some campuses, the number is as high as 25% (

The use of drugs as enhancement substances by students in Nigeria is limited in comparison to other parts of the world where different drugs such as Amphetamines, Nicotine, Modafinil, Ampakines, Yohimbine,

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), Steroid e.t.c are available and used by students as performance enhancement substances or drugs. The case in Nigeria is different; students are likely to use stimulants and other mild substances to improve performance. The following substances have been discovered to be available and mostly used by students in Nigeria to enhance performance in school by helping them to stay wake to read at night. These are kola nut, coffee, tea, bitter kola, energy drinks, cigarettes, tobacco snuff, amphetamine and in rare instances cocaine and Indian hemp. (Aborisade, 2016).

This research seeks to assess the use of enhancement substances by students and the effect on academic performance of students using Technical School in Lagos State as case study, the research focused on certain enhancement substances commonly found to be used by students for the purposes of improving mental, cognitive and physical ability for academic performance. Substances that are covered in the research to test the effect of enhancement substances on academic performance of students are: Energy Drink; Kola nut; Coffee and Tea; Benylin with Codeine Syrup; Cigarette and Tobacco Snuff; Amphetamine and Cocaine


It has been observed that the use of enhancement substances was more prevalent in the sports world; however, the use of enhancement substances by students to improve academic performance is now a current occurrence in the school system. It has been discovered that students instead of inculcating the right study habits, opt for the use of enhancement substances to improve their academic performance due to their exposure to different enhancement substances. Where the intended motive for the use of enhancement substances is achieved, it results into the breeding of students who may have great grades but are empty in the head. (Agarawu, 2017).

Furthermore, it has been discovered that the use of enhancement substances by students results into addiction problems that have become serious health issues for students. Examples of serious health issues related to consistent use, of enhancement substances by students are brain disorder, hypersensitivity, withdrawal, agitation, violence, seizures and insomnia among others. It has been established that adolescent drug abuse and addiction problems is not without connection to the use of enhancement substances in Technical School. Therefore, if the current rate of adolescent drug addiction in the society must be checked, then it must start from dealing with the use of enhancement substances by students to improve academic performance. (Daali, 2014).


The main purpose of the research is to identify what constitute the enhancement substances used by students in Technical School in Lagos State.

The study will also establish the effectiveness of the use of the identified enhancement substances in enhancing students’ academic performance. This paper will also examine the reason for the use of performance enhancement substances by students.


The research is geared towards answering the following questions:

1.     Is there any difference in the academic performance of students who use enhancement substances and those who do not use enhancement substances?

2.     Is there gender differentiation in the academic performance of students who use enhancement substances?

3.     Is there any relationship between students’ economic/social status and the use of enhancement substances?

4.     Is there significant relationship between students’ study habit and the use of enhancement substances?


The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study.

H01 - There is no significant difference in the academic performance of students that use enhancement substances and students that do not use enhancement substances.

H02 - There is no significance difference in the academic performance of male and      female students that use enhancement substances.

H03 - There is no significant relationship between students’ economic/social status and the use of enhancement substances.

H04 - There is no significant relationship between students’ study habit and the use of enhancement substances.


The research is limited to assessing the effect of enhancement substances on the academic performance of students in Technical School in Lagos State. The scope of the research is limited to Technical School students in Lagos State. Technical School were used in the research because they consist of matured and exposed students with likely tendency to use enhancement substances.


In this research, the following significance will be achieved:

1.     The research on completion will help to reveal enhancement substances used by students and reasons why students use these substances. In so doing, the research will furnish the school Guidance and Counselling officer with the necessary information for counseling students so that the use of enhancement substances will not result into addiction problem.

2.     The research will provide the school and parents with vital information that can help them to monitor the use of substances by their students and wards respectively to prevent future health problems or even drug abuse.

3.     The research will provide data that will inform students on the effect of enhancement substances on their academic performance and help them to make informed decisions on their academic pursuit.

4.     It will also help to reorient the minds of student to cultivate the right study habits, when they are aware that the, use of enhancement substances may have short term benefits, but with serious long term health hazards.


Performance: The manner in which something or somebody functions, operates; or behaves, or the way in which somebody does a job, judged by its effectiveness.

Enhancement: It means to improve or add to the strength, worth, or other desirable quality of something.

Substance: It is a kind of matter or material either in solid, gas or liquid form.

Nootropics: They are drugs that improve mental functions in the areas of cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.

Stimulant: A drug or other agent that produces a temporary increase in the functional activity of a body organ or part, something that provides a stimulus, incentive or a quickening effect.

Cognitive: This relates to the process of acquiring knowledge by the use of reasoning, intuition, or perception relating to thought processes.

Psychoactive: Describes drugs or medications that have significant effect on mood or behaviour.

Supplement: A substance with a specific nutritional value taken to make up for a real or supposed deficiency in diet.

Caffeine: An active ingredient with stimulating effect found in coffee, tea, kolanut and used in soft drinks, medicines and pain killers.

Academic Performance: Things that pertain to fulfilling the requirements of learning, schooling and scholarship.

Addiction: The habit of dependence on a particular thing or substance which the person has no control over.



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