The effect of instructional materials on the academic performance of business education students in secondary school in Ijebu North Local Government Area of Ogun state

| Sunday, September 4, 2022



1.0     Introduction

1.1     Background of the Study

Recent emphasis on teaching-learning method is on that in which learners are made to have active participation. Active participation of learners will improve academic performance and also minimize abstraction associated with Business education learning, thus increasing learning experience. This can be facilitated by making use of instructional materials and resources which can minimize abstraction associated with Business education can only be effective when adequate and relevant instructional materials are used (Afolabi, Adeyanju, Adedapo and Falade, 2006). Many educators and researchers have reported the importance of instructional materials in teaching. Teaching and learning could not be effective without availability and utilization of relevant instructional materials.


Research reports have shown that availability of instructional materials and ability of the teachers to improvise and use them are vital determinant of teaching methods to be used by the Business education teachers (Afolabi, 2008) and consequently achievements. Oyeniran (2003) posited that pupils learn best if they are given the opportunity to see and to make observation of what they are taught. He said a good  instructional material might be a substitute for real life objects in the classroom as against the use of exploratory method.

Many research reports abound on the Inevitability of instructional materials and resources on Business education learning outcomes. Such include the works of Adedayo (2000), Hassan (2000). In spite of this, many of these resources and instructional materials are lacking in our schools.

In fact many authors have written on the use and effectiveness of instructional materials or teaching aids to enhance teaching for desired social and behavioural change. More specifically, it was emphasized that the act of improvising and use of instructional materials is a sine qua non in affecting behavior of learners of every field. i.e a prerequisite, requirement or an essential condition. It is necessary to note that teaching aids are important catalysts of social reengineering and change in learners. It is obvious that effective instructions cannot be well accomplished without the use of  instructional materials. The reason is not far-fetched: advances in technology have brought instructional materials especially the projected and electronic materials to the forefront as the most radical tools of globalization and social development which have affected the classroom teaching-learning situation positively. Such technological breakthroughs as networked and non-networked; projected and no projected; visual, auditory, audio-visual electronic materials are important landmarks in knowledge transfer. With them both teaching and learning become very pleasant experiences.

 instructional materials possess some inherent advantages that make them unique in teaching. For one thing, they provide the teacher with basic knowledge and compelling platforms for conveying information since they motivate learners to want to learn more and more. Also, by providing opportunities for private study and reference, the learner’s interest and curiosity are increasingly stimulated. Further, the teacher is assisted in overcoming physical difficulties that could have hindered his effective presentation of a given topic. They generally make teaching and learning easier and less stressful. They are equally indispensable catalysts of social and intellectual development of the learners. Bolick (2003) pointed to a good relationship between effective teachings and using of  instructional materials. He argued that”. . . while some educators have been fascinated by the potential of instructional materials to enhance teaching and learning, teachers lagged behind in using instructional materials during teaching and learning. Others expressed doubts that instructional materials will ever incite teaching reform in social studies”. Instructional materials are integral components of teaching- learning situations; it is not just to supplement learning but to complement its process. It is then shows that, if there must be an effective teaching-learning activity, utilization of instructional materials will be necessary. Ema & Ajayi (2004) assert that, “teaching equipment and materials have changed over the years, not only to facilitate teaching learning situation but also to address the instructional needs of individuals and groups”.

Instructional materials are made up of objects such as printed, audio, visual that aid in the successful delivery of lesson (Chuba 2000:101). To this end, instructional materials are said to be objects or things the teacher can use in the classroom while teaching in order to ease off his teaching activities. However, instructional materials cannot address all the teaching- learning problems but it can go a long way in solving them, simply because, they are additional apparatus that can influence the reality of teaching and learning activities. Joof (1995:85) explained that, “the concept of teaching aids has gone through several evolutionary stages from the simple aids, instructional technology, media to communication and educational technology”. This however, tells us that instructional materials are not just objects or equipment used during teaching-learning process but those objects  by the teacher to make conceptual abstraction more concrete and practical to the learners. Instructional materials are the relevant materials utilized by a teacher during instructional process for the purpose of making the contents of the instructions more practical and less vague. Bolaji (2005).

“Instructional media today are very gradually finding their ways into the classrooms where modern and versatile teachers are improvising new ways of transferring learning to the younger generation, the use of prints, visuals and audios or various combination of these trios make up all we have in instructional media. instructional media therefore are the information dissemination devices made up of prints radio picture including films, movies, photographs, etc, used in the classroom for an easy transfer of learning” (Orakwe 2000:112).

Ema & Ajayi (2006) opined that, “without the teacher who is knowledgeable, instructional materials cannot create change and progress the only time it begins to make impact is when the teacher begins to make use of it and allows it to take over its values”. This portrays the professional attributes of the teacher and general knowledge or his creativity selecting, developed communication is usually the result of a careful selection of the appropriate medium or combination of media available by an effective teacher. This is to ensure the transmission of message from one source to another by the use of form or illustration that seems desirable and depict the real situations of the audience. It is referred to as the interaction of an individual or group with the environment through all the senses. The practical justification is that it is an instrument for accelerating the pace of all human transformation, to shake-off inertia in a people, achieve mobilisation and direct their productive forces in improving their living condition. This is also to show that the use of instructional materials effectively.

 teaching and learning materials design, production and their use facilitate the teaching and learning outcomes. However, the success of using the  instructional materials to meet the teaching objectives demands effective use and communication skills of the teacher to satisfy instructional delivery in business study.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Instructional resources and materials are of immense importance to teaching and learning of business education. Incidentally, most business education teachers have demonstrated great inability to think and improvise instructional materials suitable for the planned instruction, the resultant effect of which contribute to the poor academic performance of the students.

Most research reports have shown gross unavailability of instructional materials for teaching business education thus, making it boring and difficult to understand. Therefore, the concern for making inventory on the availability and use of these instructional materials cannot be over emphasized. The investigation into the effect of  instructional materials on students academic performance in business education is worthwhile in as much as teaching and learning of business education in secondary schools is concerned.

1.3     Research Questions

     1.            Is there any significant difference in the academic performance of business education students who are taught with instructional materials and those who are not?

     2.            Is there any significant relationship between business education teacher qualifications and the use of instructional materials?

     3.            Is there any significant influence of instructional materials on the teacher attitude towards teaching and learning of Business education>

     4.            Is there any significant effect of  instructional materials on students academic performance in business education?

1.4     Research Hypotheses

HO1 : There is no significant difference in the academic performance of students who are taught with  instructional materials and those who are not.

HO2:  There is no significant relationship between business education teachers qualification and the use of instructional materials.

HO3:  There is no significant influence of  instructional materials on the teacher’s attitude towards teaching and learning of business education.

HO4:  There is no significant effect of  instructional materials on students’ academic performance in business education.

1.5     Limitation of the Study

The research was limited to some schools in Ijebu North Local Government Area in Ogun State. Since the study was going on along with other school activities; this made it difficult for the researcher to go round all the local government area in Ogun state.

1.6     Significance of the Study

It is hoped that this study would provide information for the teacher, students, government and educational technologist.

To the teacher:

·        It would teach the teachers to be creative and  instructional materials when the imported or original instructional materials are not available.

·        It would encourage the teachers to improvise’ instructional materials when the original or imported, ones are not available.

·        It would help the teachers to impart knowledge on the receptionist and documents handled by the receptionist very fast with less stress to the students and achieve learning.

·        Teaching with , documents handled by the receptionist by the teacher would make the class to be very interesting and encourage both teachers and students.

To the students

·        It would provide students say knowledge on how to improvise documents handled by the receptionist.

·        It would help students to learn very quickly and comprehend the topics.

·        Students would be able to transfer knowledge acquired from the functions of a receptionist and documents handled by the receptionist to other related commercial topics when they are promoted to SS one.

·        Students would be able to use the documents handled by the receptionist to attend to the company’s visitors in case they are employed during the holiday.

·        The student’s academic performance both in formative and summative test would improve rapidly. 


Government would be aware that it is quite possible to  documents handled by the receptionist and disseminate it to different schools in order to achieve learning without encountering difficulties by the students during teaching. Government would use this media to learn how to  documents handled by the receptionist at a very cheaper price.

Government would have reason to mandate teaching of documents handled by the receptionist with instructional materials or  documents handled by the receptionist.


The technologist would, be aware of the fact that it is possible to  mostly unavailable sample of documents handled by the receptionists for teaching in business education.

Technologist would know how to  documents handled by the receptionist at affordable cost.

Technologist would be able to think further on how to improved improvisation of documents handled by the receptionist.

Technologist would see the cogent reasons to improvise other unavailable business education topics instructional materials in order to improve teaching of business education e.g. improvisation of transportation documents (bill of lading, freight) etc.

1.7     Definition of Terms

Academic Performance: Things that pertain to fulfilling the requirements of learning, schooling and scholarship.

Business education: This is the study of economics and management especially as an educational topic.

Instructional Materials: These are materials that are being provided and develop for teaching and learning activities. Noticeable examples are textbooks, posters, receipts, cheques, letter of enquiry, order, quotation, documents handled by the receptionist e.g. visitors book or visitor register, telephone message form or pad, appointment register, business card request form or visitor’s slip, telephone directory, the diary etc.

Utilization of instructional materials: This is the effective use of a particular medium for a specific purpose in order to specify instrument needs.

Receptionist: A receptionist is an employee of an organization charged with the responsibility of receiving and directing visitors.

Document handled by a receptionist: These are documents handled by the receptionist in order to provide adequate records related to her job in the performance of her duties. Among the documents handled by the receptionist are visitors book, telephone message pad, request form, business card, telephone directory, request form, the diary e.t.c.



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